(3) Added new options in the computation of Tithi Pravesha chart, based on the research at. traditional Lahiri, Krishnamurthy, Raman), when one uses mean/true tropical solar year as dasa year or in the definition of lunar year or TP. (2) Fixed a bug that sometimes showed wrong calculations with ayanamsas NOT based on the exact longitude of a fixed star (e.g. Swiss Ephemeris used in JHora was updated to version 2.02.01 and this updates the target JPL ephemeris to DE431. Target precision of planetary calculations is improved to 0.001 arc-sec. (1) The year range of full version is expanded to -12900 to 16600 (previously -5400 to 5400). If you downloaded 7.61 or later and did not disable auto update, this should be automatically picked up when you start JHora next time (with internet turned on). This also allows you to use some new calculations introduced in some of my researches published in the last couple of years, such as redefined Tithi Pravesha chart and re-defined lunar new year chart. The year range of full version is expanded to 12899 BC to 16600 AD (previously 5399 BC to 5400 AD). JGuruLite grahas longitudes matches Jagannatha Hora longitudes up to minutes of arc.ĭue to not exact match for Moon position (about minute of arc) the vimsottary dasa dates differs (some days for Maha Dasa) from the same dates computed in Jagannatha Hora.This is the best and most accurate version of Jagannatha Hora ever. I'm planning to extend JGuru functionality periodically, therefore please vote for new functionality, request new features and comment existing features on web site Jyotish Guru Lite is initially intended to be a personal tool for me, but I'll glad if you find it usefull for yourself.

jhd files from browser (you can open files from Google Drive storage, etc) * show extra info like day/night hora's, sun rise and set, tithi and moon phase

* show Rasi varga (natal chart in a north or diamond style) * save/load date,time and place of birth to/from. * input date,time and place of birth manually Jyotish Guru Lite has very basic functionality to draw North-style Rasi varga (natal chart - diamond style) for specified date, time and place of native birth and to show day and night hora's, tithi and moon phase for specified date. According to Google Play JGuruLite achieved more than 28 thousand installs. Android application JGuruLite developed by Kirill Mikhailov is listed under category Social.