Lastly, Samplitude Pro X4 Suite, not non-Suite, and watch for special pricing. You have to join to see the posts, except for the newcomer forum. Kraznet has produced about 200 tutorials on YT about Samplitude Pro and there is a dedicated Samplitude forum. The other thing is that you may just find that one feature that SMS does not do and that you would really like to have, and then you'd be unhappy that you got SMS instead or Pro X4 Suite. For the difference in price between SMS and Pro X4 Suite, you get much, much more. You likely won't need to purchase any more instruments as most of the Vita instruments were taken from the Independence instruments. Pro X4 Suite includes a wide range of instruments - see this thread and also 70GB of instruments with Independence. Unfortunately, there is no comparison table showing SMS vs Pro X, so you have to wade through the features of each. But it’s that claimed 1,250 of plug-ins where it gets really interesting. Turning to the features in more detail, Pro Studio has unlimited audio tracks three types of editing (piano roll, notation and step) video-editing facilities and a not inconsiderable 7,500 samples (hits, loops and effects). I keep receiving offers to upgrade from SMS (an old version) to Samplitude Pro X4 Suite for 149$. Mixcraft 8: Up on features, Down on Price.

You need to be able to find a price of 149USD. On the other hand, I suggest that you also look at Samplitude Pro X4.

Thus the same Soundpools now work with MMM, SMS and Samplitude Pro X. Since the article that you referenced was written, Magix has removed its proprietary mcxogg format, replacing it with your choice of ogg or wav. There is currently a MusicMaker (MMM) upgrade on that includes Samplitude Music Studio (SMS), however, as you have discovered and as indicated in other recent posts here, instruments purchased with MMM will not work with SMS. You won't be able to download the additional instruments, Soundpools and some other stuff, but you will get a good idea as to whether or not your problems are resolved. I suggest that you download, install and try out Samplitude Music Studio before buying it to make sure that it works.